Falling mostly into the aide-memoire category, but in case it’s helpful to anyone else…

You have a more-or-less complex SQL query which you’re executing via, eg, pyodbc (or some other dbapi-compliant module) and you need to pass in a set of positional parameters. So you have a where clause which looks something like this (although with better names, obviously):

  t1.x = ? AND
  (t2.y = ? OR (t3.z = ? AND t2.y < ?))
  t1.x > ? AND
  (t2.y BETWEEN ? AND ?)

So your Python code has to pass in seven parameters, in the right order, several of which are probably the same value. And then you realise that the WHERE clause is slightly wrong. So you adjust it, but now you have eight parameters, and two of the previous ones have changed, and there’s a new one. And then…

There’s no way to use named params with pyodbc, so you end up with a list/tuple of positional parameters which you have to eyeball-match up with the corresponding question marks in the query:

import pyodbc


cursor.execute (
  SQL, [
  from_date, threshold, threshold, to_date, interval, threshold]

Unless… you use a derived table in the query and use that to generate pseudo-named parameters. This is possible in MSSQL; I don’t know if it would work with other databases, although I can’t see why not. So your code becomes something like (NB no attempt at consistency here; it’s an example):

JOIN t2 ON t2.t1_id = t1.id
    from_date = ?,
    to_date = ?,
    max_value = ?,
    interval = ?,
    threshold = ?
) AS params ON
  t1.x = params.from_date AND
  (t2.y = params.threshold OR
    (t3.z = params.interval AND t2.y < params.to_date)
  t1.x > params.threshold AND
  (t2.y BETWEEN params.from_date  AND params.to_date)

All you need to do then is to line up the order of params in your cursor.execute with the order of columns in the params derived table.

Alternatives? Well, you could use an ORM of some sort — goodness knows there are enough of them about — but maybe, like me, you find that learning another syntax for something which you can do perfectly well in its native SQL is onerous. Another approach is to set up local variables in your executed statement and use these in much the same way, eg:

  @v_from_date DATETIME,
  @v_to_date DATETIME,
  @v_threshold INT

  @v_from_date = ?,
  @v_to_date = ?,
  @v_threhold = ?

  (t1.x < @v_from_date ...)

This works (and is, in fact, how we generate lightweight SQL-to-Excel reports). But there’s a bit more boilerplate involved.